Sunday, January 31, 2016

Traditional Cake West Sumatra

1.Cake cone
Traditional Cake West SumatraThis is a cake that is a traditional cake made of a mixture of rice flour, coconut milk, brown sugar, salt and water. Judging from the material alone is very easy to find, as well as how to make it. How to make it sufficiently dissolve brown sugar until melted, then filtered so that dirt does not go into the dough. Mixed with rice flour and a pinch of salt. As for the prints of made of banana leaves are shaped in ways that minimize conical. Then enter dough that has been mixed earlier in the prints of which will steamed until cooked. How easy the way of making :)

2. Karak kaliang
Traditional Cake West SumatraSouvenir this one do not let you miss. If you visit New York City, you can easily find it. Karak kaliang is a traditional cake made from potato flour. Potato flour obtained from processed cassava yam which is then selected and shredded. Then the potato flour mixed with spices such as turmeric, garlic, pepper, salt and other complementary seasonings. Karak dough kaliang printed to resemble a figure eight (8)

3. Nuts Tojin
Traditional Cake West SumatraWho is not familiar with the food this one. Snacks that must exist in every Eid Eid is considered very easy to cultivate. Tojin beans. It was a tasty and crunchy fried peanuts due mixed with fried onions, and do not forget a little chopped celery which has also been previously frie

4. Arai Pinang
Traditional Cake West SumatraOne more typical cakes and always available in each Eid is Arai Pinang. Each visiting Bukittinggi certainly do not forget to buy this cake as souvenirs. It was a tasty, crunchy, and flavorful coconut oil, make people who tasted become addicted. Raw material manufacturer is very simple, namely rice flour, salt, and whiting. As well as the manufacturing process, it is very easy. Roasted rice flour and sprinkled with a little salt and do not forget whiting in order to feel more crispy. Once the dough is ready, then the dough is formed into a round. As for the print order can be flattened using a fork. Do not forget, shortly after in print, spread with coconut oil to make a cake perfumed, savory and crunchy.

5. Wajik
Traditional Cake West Sumatra
In addition to the typical cake of West Sumatra, Diamonds are also found in various regions in Indonesia. The main base material is sticky rice,while supporting a variety of materials, making his name was also different. The term diamond better known in Central Java, while in West Sumatra itself known with Puluik Manih or Pulut Manis. As in Blitar for example, is known to Wajik Kletik. Kletik diamond has a unique wrap namely corn husks.,.

6. Cake Sapik
Traditional Cake West Sumatra
A cake that is similar to cake Semprong but has a different shape. The difference, Cake Sapik folded, while Cake Semprong in rolls. Because when removed from the mold clamped roasting then folded. Sapik cake made from rice flour, sugar, milk and eggs, and do not miss the cinnamon powder. How to make it very simple. After all the dough is well blended, then be printed pour batter into the mold grills. When the dough has turned into a golden yellow color, it has been the pastry dough that is ready to be lifted. When still hot cake that is folded and stapled. That is why it is called Cake cake Sapik. In addition, there is also a cake is made from rice Sapik Sipulut Black. So the cake color became dark brown.

7. Sala Fish
Traditional Cake West Sumatra
Food was round like this but not given a meatball soup, fried until it is dry, so the material makes it suitable for a snack. Sala Fish , if interpreted into Indonesian became Sala Fish. Sala Fish derived from Pariaman, very easy to get, especially on the market or recreation areas. Usually the foods are made from rice flour is presented in place to sell Lontong Vegetable, because it is very well suited to eat. The savory rice cake sauce mixed with leather kriuh Sala makes Fish slightly salty vegetable cake tasted delicious eaten.

8. Pinyaram
Traditional Cake West Sumatra
Similar to a cake dripping Betawi, but in West Sumatra called Pinyaram. If a visitor to the Tier, Wood Plant, Payakumbuh and closely spaced area between Padang and Bukittinggi, then we can easily find it. Made from glutinous rice flour mixed with palm sugar or granulated sugar, then fried using cooking pots once used as a template. There are two types of pinyaram, namely black and white pinyaram. A matter of taste, just the same, equally sweet. Because black pinyaram made from palm sugar, while the white pinyaram made from sugar. Pinyaram usually served in special events, such as Eid and weddings. But if you want to make pinyaram as a souvenir, the seller usually packaged in clear plastic wrap. 1 package containing 10 to 15 pieces pinyaram

9. Skin Crackers
Traditional Cake West Sumatra
Crackers skin, as it is called if interpreted to Indonesian. Crackers typical West Sumatra is very much sold on the Upper Market Bukittinggi. In addition to the many fans, crackers jangek also pass through a series of processing stages that much anyway. Crackers are made from cowhide or buffalo leather must pass through several treatment processes, ranging from boiling skin is then heated over the fire in order to make the fur is lost, until drying in the sun for approximately 2 to 3 days. skin crackers ready for frying. Jangek crackers delicious eaten together with Sate or Lontong Vegetables. Efficacy jangek cracker is able to heal the ulcer patients, because it is very good for digestion. As a souvenir, jangek crackers can be purchased in a state still raw or processed like chips and crackers Skin sense Balado jangek cheese flavor.

10. Crackers Sanjai
Crackers Sanjai, fruit typical savory hand Bukittin
Traditional Cake West Sumatra
He is expert souvenirs Bukittinggi. Crackers Sanjai. Food this one shall serve as a souvenir.Crackers Sanjai  made from cassava sliced ​​length, which is then fried in hot oil, then smeared with chilli sauce which definitely makes you sweat. Sanjai name itself comes from the name of an area located in the village Manggih in Bukittinggi. Almost the entire local population derive their life from this Sanjai crackers process. The form was varied, there is the form of sticks. Sanjai the stick-shaped crackers have long texture,adult minimum length index. Then there is also Keripik Sanjay shaped dice, commonly known as the Dakak-dakak.

11. Galamai
Traditional Cake West SumatraGalamai is a traditional cake West Sumetara made of glutinous rice flour mixed with brown sugar and coconut milk. If in West Sumatra, known as Galamai, in other areas, especially in Java, these foods are commonly called Dodo. Chewy texture and shiny and feels soft on the tongue makes this cake is very popular, especially children. Galamai always be mandatory in every wedding cake in West Sumatra.

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