Friend wanted to try to learn to assemble a computer. Assembling a computer is very easy to do, you need to know is the Friends of Friends has prepared materials / tools to be assembled computers. Here Stages - Stage Assemble Computers:
1. Ensure that all equipment and materials that will be assembled already prepared.
2. Furthermore, before you start to assemble, we will carry out checking on the mainboard. The trick: Put on Socket Processor Processor in the mainboard (note the sign), connect mainboard with Power Supplay, attach too speakers. After that try to be turned on. When you come out of the speakers beep sound repetitive, meaning mainboard still healthy.
3. Then we will match the hole / place screws on the mainboard with a bolt that is on Cashing.any holes that we can use later to make the mainboard on Cashing . After that plug the mainboard and make sure all the bolts have been tightened.
4. Further pairs of RAM (pairs also VGA card to the mainboard that it is not ON Board VGA), and then connect the monitor. Try turn, note whether the specifications of RAM and Processor Clock also is in conformity with the specifications listed on its box?
5. If everything is fine, then in pairs of other devices such as hard disk, floppy disk, CD ROM, LAN cards and so forth.
6. Once installed all try to turn it on again, if there is no problem, can proceed with the installation process.
• When you assemble your own computer especially careful WARRANTIES its limits, before the deadline warranty ran out, do not ever throw Box peripheralnya places like the Ram Box, Box mainboad, VGA and others.
Examples of problems that frequently occur in the computer.
1. At the time of booting, the computer displays the words "CMOS check sum error".
This indicates that the batteries BIOS is already low. The solution by replacing the BIOS battery in accordance with the original size.
2. The computer does not display anything when switched on, no sound comes out of the speakers.
Try checking the wiring that connects between a VGA monitor. If it does not find any damage, the possibility that VGA Card damaged.
3. Computer issued a repetitive beep sound when turned on.
Check its RAM, there may be dust / dirt, try off and cleaned, then plug it in again. If still equal, replace its RAM.
4. When turned on, the hard disk indicator lights up continuously.
Possible hard drive is exposed to the BAD Sector on its zero Sector. If not so severe, they can be in Low Level Format, after the partition and format, and then try discandisk with surface check
5. The computer displays a message DISK BOOT Failur OR NON SYSTEM ON DISK
This indicates the system's disk are not loaded into RAM, or hard drive has not been set to be active at the time of partition.
6. When the process on a floppy disk format, the message "Invalid Media or Track 0 Bad"
This means that her diskette was faulty in its sector 0. Take a look at the inside of the diskette, whether there was a scratch there. When it means the disk is damaged.
7. The computer could be loading up to the Windows environment, but it looks cracked when set to high or true color
This marks the VGA Card is not able to display colors and maximum resolution.
8. When trying to read the contents of a floppy disk, the computer displays a message General Failur Reading Drive A, this could be due to the Floppy Disk Drive Head dirty, or worn. Try first cleaned using Floppy Disk Cleaner, if the result is the same, means the Head of its already worn out and should be replaced.
9. The first start to see on the monitor screen blurred.
This indicates that the Focus on the flyback regulator monitor is not good, usually the solution with in graft.
10. The display on the monitor over time the more obscure (obscure).
Same with No. 9.
11. The monitor does not display a certain color.
It indicates there is a problem in the circuit in the RGB monitor.
12.Some times Monitor die alone, or difficult when it is turned on.
Usually there solderan loose on the Power Supply on the part of his or her Horizontally.
How to Conduct Testing Computer Peripheral
1. mainboard
Processor pairs on its Socket, note the sign / pin number 1. At the end, connect the power supplay, do not forget to attach the speakers. Try to turn, when out of the speakers beep sound repetitive, meaning that the mainboard is still good.
2. Processor
Install the processor in the processor socket on the mainboard, RAM and VGA Card if it is not ON Board. After that connect to the monitor and try to power, note the display on the screen. Note whether the clock for the processor is in conformity with the one shown on its Box.
3. RAM
Almost the same as completing a test on the processor's just that note is when a computer check on the RAM. Is the RAM capacity is in conformity with the one shown in the Box-it? If the computer does not test RAM (computer instantly displays the RAM capacity), this is a sign that it will soon die RAM. If the warranty still immediately redeem its RAM.
4. VGA Card
To test the VGA Card, it must first be installed an operating system and VGA drivers already installed. Perform test by maximizing the setting for the Display Adapter (note the monitor's ability to perform this test), if they can be set to the maximum setting, which means it is still a good VGA.
5. LAN Card
First we have to check if the OS is already familiar with and install drivers for LAN cards or not. If not, we have to install the driver first. Once completed then we are setting the IP for LAN Card. How: Right-click the Network Neighborhood icon, select Properties. Fill in the IP Addressnya, eg and Sub input Net, then open the MS DOS Prompt and try to ping the IP address typed above (ping If successful, the LAN card can be used. But when the screen displays the words "Request Time Out", the LAN card can not be used anymore.
6. Sound Card
First we need to install the driver for his card when the Card Sound Voice Operating System we do not yet know.Once the driver is installed, Sound Card is supposed to function properly.
7. Notebook
How to perform a test that is the way to partition the hard drive with fdisk. Be especially careful process, if there is a problem at the time of partition, it is likely that the hard drive has begun Bad Sector. Next is the process of formatting the hard drive.Once completed, a check can be performed using ScanDisk or Norton Disk Doctor to examine the hard drive of each of its sectors . Hard drive is already damaged, it will usually lead to errors on FAT or Structur its Directory.
8. FDD (Floppy Disk Drive)
Before performing the test on FDD, make sure that the BIOS configuration for FDD is correct. How do testnya: go to the DOS prompt, from there gave the command to format a floppy disk with the option / s (to add the system on a floppy disk formatted). FDD is still good, the time to process the format and transfer system, do not cause noise is too loud. When the FDD make any noise during the formatting process, this indicates that the FDD his head had started to wear.
To test the CD ROM is usually done from the Windows environment, by trying to read a CD ROM disc. CD ROM is still good, it does not require a long time to initialize the disc when the disc was first put into a CD ROM, unless the disc was already defective or dirty. Try also to test the data transfer rate of a CD ROM to copy the way the data contained on the CD ROM to the hard disk. If there are problems, such as data transfer start slowing down in comparison with the beginning of copying data, there are two possibilities. The first is an optical already weak, the second is a dirty optics. Try cleaned Optic Cleaner, if the result is the same, meaning the optical was already weak.
10. Monitor
To perform a test on the monitor, you must have a CPU with standard specifications and VGA card capable of displaying high resolution (at least 800 x 600 to monitor and 1280 x 1024 Analog to Digital monitor). How to perform a test that is by setting a limit on the ability of the resolution on the monitor. Turn over ( 30 minutes for 2nd monitor and 2 hours for new monitors). When the display on the monitor does not change, then the monitor is still worth taking.
11. Power Supplay
To test the power supplay, can be performed using Multi Tester. Hover the pointer switches contained in multi tester to number 50 on the DC Volts. Plug the red for positive source and black to ground.
Voltage References:
For Power Supplay AT:
Color Voltage Cables
black Ground
Red 5 V
Yellow 12 V
For ATX Power Supplay:
Color Voltage Cables
black Ground
Red 5 V
Yellow 12 V
Blue - 12 V
Grey - 5 V
Orange OK (power good)
If there is a difference in measurement voltage of 0.5 volts (either more or less), then the power supplay need to be repaired or replaced.
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