Leaves range included in the integrated plant species. Usually grows wild in many places because it is easy to breed.distance trunk will grow on its own when its seeds are spread in a single take Wind.leaf grow alternative and usually have a diameter of about 10-40 cm. Many people do not know about the distance to the health properties of the leaf. Yet behind its simplicity there is a wide range of properties that can be made as an alternative medicine from plants this distance.
Well, below are the benefits of jatropha trees start to leaf sap that has been commonly used as well as traditional medicine by our ancestors.
1. Treating ulceration
Efficacy of leaves within the first can heal the wounds that koreg. How it took a few leaves pounded with a little salt mash until smooth.Next apply to the wounds that have become standard. Do keep in 2 days the wound will gradually be closed and healed.
2. Treat Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is a disease that is dangerous for a woman. With leaf properties distance may be treating her little by little.His manner with ointment cream made from the leaves of distance apply on the affected part of routine cancer every day only 1 times Only.do also coincides mid extracorporeal irradiation.
3. Treating Facial Muscles Paralyzed
old age make existing muscles can become stiff instantly. Efficacy leaves another distance can also flex his paralysis of facial muscles, crushed leaves of distance, place it in the face, do one day a foot on a regular basis until the face is felt back in shape and return to its normal position.
4. Discharge the baby's tongue
In infants who were breast-feeding, there is generally a whitish attached to the ceiling of the tongue. This sort of thing lead to lazy to breastfeed the baby and leaning his weight climbed. To fix this we can use the sap of the leaves of Jatropha. Generally the distance of freshly picked leaves will remove the sap on the leaf stalk. Give sap was on the infant's tongue and whitish saliva will come out in unison.
5. Curing ear inflammation
Inflammation of the ear can take place because of influenza's sudden marked rise in body temperature, pain in the ear, a bit deaf like buzzing. To overcome this, take 1/2 tablespoons latex of Jatropha then dropped by 6 drops into the ear of a child, one day can be done 6 times until cured.
6. Pain Medication cavities
Sap antimicrobial shaped distance until he could get rid of bacteria such as type staphylococcus, streptococcus and Escherechia coli and can be used to handle toothaches due to cavities. The steps to take sap distance wear cotton, then placed in cavities. (Hariyono and Soenardi, 2005).
7. Drug Thrush
Break the stalks of jatropha freshly picked, there will be little sap.sap immediately applied in the middle of the lips thrush. If the sap has not come out, push a little at the end of the stem (Ditjenbun, 2007).
8. Stomach Bloating and the Common Cold
When sudden infant diarrhea and bloating caused by colds, take some leaves of Jatropha old. Then weeded over a flame so slightly wilted and smeared coconut oil, or eucalyptus oil Telon. And then placed in the lower abdomen and waist. Let the most hours, will generally occur soon exhaust gas as well as a substance that does not benefit from the bowels.
9.Hard Defecation
When you are experiencing difficult defecation, pick 4 leaves fresh jatropha because acts also as a laxative lightly. Wipe clean, then steamed until tender and in eating the leaves that have been steamed along 7 consecutive days or until the disease constipation shrink or disappear.
10. Rheumatic Drugs
Take the leaves of Jatropha old and fresh, clean it clean as well as in finely mashed with water as needed. Coat the sides of the body are under attack or be attacked exim rheumatism, itching, etc. Or they can be compressed and then let along most hours dignti with new ones.
11. Cure cough and sputum thin
Take the necessary distance tree roots, and made clean and boiled with 7 cups water to the boil and the remaining 2 cups. The water is in the morning and late afternoon drink. Repeat up to three times a decoction of the roots were exchanged new one.
Hopefully explanations about the efficacy of this distance leaves can provide benefits for many people.This is only a small fraction leaves the nature of distance and many other qualities of the plants this distance , Happy reading.
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