Sunday, February 21, 2016

Benefits of Papaya Leaf For Health

Papaya plants is a plant that is suitable to be planted in a hot area, but must have enough water. These plants prefer to grow in areas of sand soil texture. Many of which can be used from this plant ranging from fruits, roots, seeds and leaves. In this article will be discussed from papaya plants are the benefits for the health of young papaya leaves.

Benefits of Papaya Leaf For Health

Here are the benefits to the health of young papaya leaves;

1. Prevent Cancer
Everyone is at risk for cancer in the finals if not prevented. Danger of cancer could be risky for the health of the body and can be fatal. For that then prevent cancer as early as possible so that the body be spared and protected from the disease. Papaya leaves it can be a good antibody for preventing cancer. White sap contained in papaya leaves will be anticancer good. The papaya leaves can be made whatever to taste.

2. Increase of appetite
Papaya leaves a bitter taste. But behind the bitter taste, papaya leaves has benefits to improve appetite in children. The trick, blender still fresh papaya leaf palm-sized, with warm water and a little salt. Then the mixture is squeezed and filtered water is to be drunk. Undoubtedly your child's appetite will return to normal soon.

3.Diabetes drugs
The first benefits of papaya is a diabetes drug. Papaya leaves has a content that can prevent and overcome the problem of diabetes. This disease is a disease caused by high blood sugar levels. Papaya leaves is able to overcome this by lowering blood sugar levels. Eat papaya leaves regularly so that blood sugar levels remain stable so free from the problem of diabetes.

4. Smooth ASI
Papaya leaves are also believed to be able to facilitate breastfeeding for mothers who are breastfeeding their babies. Take three pieces of papaya and knead, then warmed over the fire. After wilting, apply on the evenly but do not get in the middle.

5. Reduce Pain When Coming Months
For women must have experienced coming months. This raises the coming months Abdominal pain even have it in excess. To cope with abdominal pain due to menstruation can use papaya leaves of medicinal plants. Take the young papaya leaves 1 handful then wash. After that papaya leaves are boiled with water and add sugar and salt which aims to reduce the bitter taste to a boil. Remove, strain and if it is warm concoction is drunk until they run out. This method is believed to be effective for abdominal pain due to menstruation.

6. Prevent and treat dengue
Papaya leaves contain substances alkaloid compounds carpaine, papain, flavonoids, saponins, violaksantin, tannins, and caricaksantin. Besides papaya also contains enzymes such as papain enzyme, nicotine, miosmin, pseudokarpain, kontinin, and karpain.

7. Good For Digestion
The digestive system is a system that must be preserved health of viruses or bacteria that enter with food. Food eaten can result in disruption of the digestive system because it contains a variety of viruses and bacteria. If you've disturbed the working of the digestive system then the system can not be maximized. To troubleshoot the digestive system by using papaya leaf. Papaya leaves is able to overcome problems in the digestive system that kills microorganisms that attack the digestive system because it contains substances Karpin. Take the young papaya leaves are still fresh and wash first. After it is boiled until soft and plus salt to taste to reduce the bitter taste.Papers papaya leaves as a vegetable on a regular basis to keep the digestive system to maintain their health.

8 .As acne medication
Mask of papaya can be used to treat problems are like pimples on the face, so to maintain the beauty and health of skin. How, provide 2-3 pieces of old papaya leaves, and drying and pulverized with a half teaspoon of water until smooth. Masks can then be attached to the facial acne.
How To Remove Bitter Taste In Papaya

Boiled papaya leaves, add and salt until there is a change in papaya leaves wither. Lift, washing and re-boiled papaya leaves or boiled papaya leaves with boiling guava leaves. After that papaya leaves washed again.

That's a thousand benefits of papaya plants, in addition to taste delicious fruit turns leaves contain a lot of benefits to our health. Consumption of papaya on a regular basis may be able to avoid various kinds of diseases, Amin may be useful for a friend to all, see you again.

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